Creating connected content from sellers' product descriptions to shopper-facing product pages
An online retailer for handmade goods were asking sellers how their products was made as they set up listings, but sellers' answers didn't translate into clear, concise content on the shopper-facing product page.
The first step in creating clarity was cleaning up the text on the seller side. The content design was based off the following:
Considering there would be 30 combinations, I used color and letters to create a system for developers to follow.
With the logic in place, I needed to translate the sellers' answers into concise copy that was easy for shoppers to read and understand.
The end result was a seamless experience between sellers and shoppers.
Creating connected content across the site for two distinct but undeniably intertwined users was a lot of fun. A clear goal and the buy-in from stakeholders were vital to making this project work.
In future iterations, I would evaluate the wording to ensure words like 'mass-produced' and 'upcycled' align with how sellers think of their business.